Resource base


  • The municipality’s location in the southern region, closer to the equator, results in high temperatures.
  • The average annual air temperature over a long-term observation period is +9.9 °C (49 °F). The average monthly temperature of the coldest month, January, is -0.1 °C (32 °F), the warmest month of July is +22.7 °C (72 °F).
  • The average annual precipitation is 634 mm.
  • The prevailing winds during the year are southeast winds.
  • In general, the bioclimatic conditions in Armavir city from May to September are considered comfortable.


Fresh water

  • The Konstantinovsky section of the Kurganinskoye fresh groundwater deposit serves as the source of drinking and domestic water for the settlements in the Armavir municipal area, as well as providing technological water for industrial and agricultural purposes.
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  • However, the city of Armavir is insufficiently provided with groundwater resources.

Recreational resources

  • The regional landmark “Oak provenance trial plantation,” which is an important botanical site with an area of only 10.78 hectares.
  • A forest green belt covers an area of 18.5 square meters.
  • Hunting grounds with the area of 16,588 hectares.
  • Fishing can be done in the Kuban and the Urup rivers.
  • The source of geothermal mineral waters is situated near the farm of Pervomaysky, on the creek of the Urup river.

Protected natural monument “Oak provenance trial plantation”, Oak Grove

The plantations consist of a tree species called English oak, which are descendants of three ecological populations in the region: floodplain, foothill, and mountain. Along the entire perimeter of the nature monument site, you can find acacia, ash, and poplar trees, with occasional sightings of honey locust, walnut, as well as bushes of elderberry, hawthorn, rosehip, birchbark, silver elk, and common hazel.
This nature monument was established to preserve a botanical site of recreational, educational, educational, and aesthetic significance. Oaks grow on its territory from 4 to 10 meters high and 50 to 70 cm in diameter.

Hunting grounds

Two hunting resource zones have been established within the city district to promote the rational use of wildlife and natural resources, preserve biodiversity, and enhance the local ecosystems.

Fishing ponds the Kuban river and the Urup river

The Kuban is one of the major rivers of Russia. It flows through the North Caucasus region, crossing Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. The river has a length of 870 km (662 km in Krasnodar region). Kuban region is abundant in fish, boasting a total of 106 different species. Among the most frequently caught species are vimba, pikeperch, redfin, perch, crucian carp, fathead carp, carp, and bream.